July 2008 Dinner at ASLGSC Club in Battaramulla

The last month's (July 2008) dinner at the ASLGSC Club in Battaramulla was attended by approximately sixty (60) members and their family members.

The dinner was sponsored by Gamini Padmaperuma. The photos: Courtesy - G A M Sumanasekara (Podi Sumane)

Two old batch mates ... Can you believe?

Gamini Zoysa and Neththe

Gamini and Jaliya

Soma and Geethi

Gamini's sister Pushpa and daughter Tharindie

At the Bar... Solomons, Bandula, Ramanayaka, ....

Dinner is ready... BBQ and Egg Hoppers

Early start by Neththe...

Dr. Suresh and ....

Veteran Somapala and ...

Pondering.... what is the next move?... Dr. Hector

Rare and tall appearance ... Wendell Solomons .... Mr. Rupasinghe, Bandula and Ramanayaka in the background

Sumane and Soma

Veterans from USSR and Czechoslovakia

Gamini Zoysa, Karu and Hector

Alahakone with Bongos... surrounded by ladies

Rupe with Gamini and his sister Pushpa

Sumane in his usual business ... Jeena and Soma

Dr. Jasinghe, Jaliya, Jeena and more doctors ...

Ever loving... ever present Geethi and Karu...

Gamini, Kumudu and daughter Tharindie

Gamini with wife Kumudu, daughter Tharindie, Sister Pushpa, Jaliya and Jeena

Leftover of some liquid assets being carried away after the dinner.... Gamini, Jaliya and Jeena