Russian Graduates (Русские Выпускники)


History of Vosmoe Marta

History of Women's Day

From times immemorial, ordinary women from different parts of the world have struggled to acquire an equal position in society with men. There have been famous struggles in New York, Copenhagen, Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland for rights such as better pay, voting rights, shorter working hours, etc.

However, formally women's day came into being in Russia when on a Sunday on the eve of World War I, in 1917, Russian women observed a strike for bread and peace. The strike was a great victory in the history of women's struggle as the administration granted women the right to vote. That historic Sunday fell on 8th March according to Gregorian calendar.

For more info on this important day, visit:


Kогда Caрaт был в командировке к Мельбурну недавно ...

This photo was taken when Sarath was on a business trip to Melbourne recently.

Эта фотография была взята, когда Caрaт был в командировке к Мельбурну недавно.

L-R (Seated): Kosala Jayasinghe, Sarath Mallawa, Lal Ramanayake
L-R (Standing): A friend of Tissa (not a Russian graduate), Sarath Wijesoma, Tissa Habarakada and Aloy Perera - All are graduates of 1970's.

Prof. Weerasinghe attends a conference and visits his old friend in NZ

Weera who came to NZ to attend a Post-Harvest Conference recently did not forget to pay a visit to his old friend, Ranjith Pathirana, who lives there. They have visited Rotorua a popular tourist destination in the North Island of NZ. Given below is the description sent by Ranjith.

...Top photo: Weera in Rotorua near a Maori Information Centre and Bottom photo: Weere with Sriya (Ranjith's wife - also PFU graduate in Agriculture) at Manawatu Gorge, near Palmerston North. You can see the railway tunnel and the Manawatu river, the only river in NZ which goes across, others flow N-S direction. I am the photographer, so no photos of me...(Ranjith Pathirana)


Kumar Athulathmudali and family in Sydney ...

Top Photo:
L-R: A relative, Wife (Niranjani), Son (Shashika), and Kumar
Bottom Photo:
L-R: Son (Shashika), Wife (Niranjani), a relative, and Kumar

PLOF Recipe (РЕЦЕПТ - плов)

Кто хочет знать, как подготовить блюдо, которое было одним временем наш фаворит? Я все еще помню случай, где я имел возможность испытать PLOF (Pilaff) в Ташкенте, дом PLOF (Pilaff), я верю. Вкус был так хорошим ..., всякий раз, когда я помню это, мой рот все еще становится водянистым. Вот - рецепт для этого …, посланный Sarath Wijesoma (Podi Sarath).

Who wants to know how to prepare a dish which was one time our favourite? I still remember an occasion where I had the opportunity to taste PLOF (Pilaff) in Tashkent, the home of PLOF (Pilaff), I believe. The taste was so nice..., whenever I remember this, my mouth still becomes watery. Here is the recipe for it… sent by Sarath Wijesoma (Podi Sarath).

½ kg of lamb (remove all fat) & chopped
300g of thinly & about 1 inch long cut carrots
1 tomato chopped
Chopped onion
Sunflower oil

Pour about 3 spoons of oil into a cooking pot and when oil is warm add meat & salt mixing well. Leave on medium fire till all water is evaporated and meat turned brown. Mix well from time to time. Now add cut carrots (and onions a bit later) and wait until all water is evaporated and carrots & onions become slightly brown. Now add tomato and mix for about 2 minutes. (Some people do not use tomatoes). At this point either you can add already cooked warm rice or add washed uncooked rice + water and cook. When ready you can sprinkle some black pepper and eat while hot.


(For further culinary advice please contact Sarath Mallawa and Wife Sunethra who are experts in this. They are in Melbourne. Contact e-mail: